A short conversation between a worker boy and an old man from the other century. The old man confessed that he is a time traveler. He claimed that he has sixteen lobus of brain. So he could remember and memorized every quote from so many great men.
“Sir, what do you think about human in this era?”
”Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. Jacques Rousseau said.”
“Because Man is the only animal which can cause pain to the others without any further purpose than just cause it. Arthur Schopenhauer said that, Boy.”
“I can see the chains. They fettered all the people. So, who’s the real monster in this era?”
“Like Abraham Lincoln said, These Capitalist generally act harmoniously, and in concert, to fleece the people.”
“So, can you suggest us, what should we do?”
“Karl Marx had suggested you, the workers have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to gain. Workers of the world, unite!”
“This is a nationhood, Why there is still poverty?”
“I don’t know who said this, Liberty is always unfinished business, right? So, just tending to follow Theodore Roosevelt , Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
“The world rolls on so fast. It never wait us even to take a deep breath only a minute. I heard some people screamed GLOBALIZATION.”
“The world rolls on, time press, ten thousand years are too long! Seize the day! Seize the hour!, Mao Zedong said that.”
“And I saw so many companies went bankrupt. It is possible to reach an everlasting glory now. There are so many cut throat competition right?”
“You’re right. Thomas Kempis said, O how quickly the glory of the world passes away – it’s for the loser. The other side To become a great man it is necessary to be a great rascal, said Guillaume Dubois.”
“Sir, I’m sad of people who have an idea but they can’t reach their success compared with lucky people.”
“Great thoughts reduced to practice become great acts, said William Hazzlit. That’s the reality, Boy. And like Harold Nicholson said, We are inclined to judge ourselves by our ideas, other by our acts. You have to concern it.”
The End
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